Urban Jungle

Urban Jungle

Return­ing home to Syd­ney after a sec­ond­ment abroad, out clients —a pro­fes­sion­al cou­ple and their young chil­dren— were look­ing to cre­ate an out­door space that could make the most of the weath­er they had missed in their absence.

An enter­tain­er’s gar­den, the design should be dynam­ic and engag­ing, tak­ing advan­tage of the prop­er­ty’s north fac­ing aspect while fram­ing, soft­en­ing and enhanc­ing the archi­tec­tural­ly-designed dwelling.

The project is beau­ti­ful in its response to the archi­tec­tur­al form where rather than sim­ply pro­vid­ing a back­drop, the land­scape is inte­grat­ed with the prop­er­ty. But it also takes on a Palm Springs-like design phi­los­o­phy, high­light­ing indoor / out­door liv­ing and the appli­ca­tion of sim­ple, uncom­pli­cat­ed mate­ri­als. It is sophis­ti­cat­ed, vibrant and suit­ed to a fam­i­ly of evolv­ing tastes.

  • Interior Designer
    Cameron Kim­ber
  • Builder
    San­dlink Constructions
  • Photographer
    Nicholas Watt

Whis­per­ing of mid — cen­tu­ry Cali cool, strap­py palms in grace­ful pos­es flour­ish under the lime­light in a gar­den of glossy greens.”

Belle Mag­a­zine