Harbour House

Harbour House

Evolv­ing over a num­ber of years this project is the result of a high­ly col­lab­o­ra­tive design process that sees the client ben­e­fit from a renewed sense of own­er­ship over their garden.

  • Year Completed
    Decem­ber, 2019
  • Photographer
    Nicholas Watt
Tex­tur­al, low- and mid-lev­el plant­i­ngs soft­en the home

Here, beneath a canopy of Archon­tophoenix cun­ning­hami­ana, the lush plant­i­ng of Alcantarea impe­ri­alis and Philo­den­dron Xanadu’ cre­ates a feel­ing akin to being lost with­in a rainforest.”

Antho­ny Wyer
After­noon light dances across the harbour